An All-Terrain Internet Mystery
The Magic Mobility Frontier V6 is a popular all-terrain electric wheelchair. It is known for its versatility and performance, and is suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. Given its popularity and large customer base, you might expect that replacement parts for the Frontier V6 wheelchair would be readily available from the manufacturer – at least online if not at a local dealership. Well, yes and no: original equipment manufacturer (OEM) Frontier V6 wheelchair parts are available, just not directly from the manufacturer…
A Replacement Parts Manhunt…
The Frontier V6 is manufactured by Magic Moblity a wheelchair design and manufacturing company based out of Australia which is itself owned by Sunrise Medical (they were acquired by Sunrise Medical in 2018). At this time it appears that neither Magic Mobility or their parent company, Sunrise Medical, offers consumers direct access to replacement parts for their lines of power chairs. Now to be fair, both companies do offer their customers online assistance in finding accredited repair specialists to service their lines of wheelchairs and even offer a directory of their local dealers. You just can’t order your own Frontier V6 wheelchair parts from them – even if you already know what you need and are capable of handling the repairs/replacements yourself.
A Mouse-Click Mystery? A Web-Surfing Snafu?
The good news however is that by using Mr. Google and some common sense you can sniff out a variety of Frontier V6 wheelchair parts yourself!
The funny thing is that when you do a search for “Frontier V6 wheelchair parts”, the first result you will probably see (at least it is the top result for me when I search it) is for an online retailer that appears to be Quickie Wheelchairs, which is a whole other wheelchair manufacturer that was also bought out by Sunrise Medical (this time in 1986) and which does not make the Frontier V6 wheelchair – or its parts. Upon closer inspection however you will soon realize that this site does not belong to Quickie but appears instead to be an arm of a company called, an online retailer of wheelchairs and various other mobility aids. (the name is even located right at the bottom of the Quickie wheelchairs logo) I guess it just seems a bit confusing because Southwest Medical offers a wide range of wheelchair parts online through both their site and their site, with both offering essentially the same range of parts and both utilizing the same webpage layout for when you are making your wheelchair parts selections.
I guess that the really important thing to note here is that both sites make the same claim that they “have the largest Frontier V6 parts catalog available,” and that their Frontier V6 wheelchair parts are available to be shipped directly from the manufacturer which means that they are effectively offering consumers OEM Frontier V6 wheelchair parts. Add to that the fact that on both of the sites they are claiming that customers will “get the lowest prices possible on Frontier V6 parts,” and you have the makings of a win-win situation for any customer looking for authentic Frontier wheelchair parts at a competitive price!
A Parting Thought on … Parts!
So I would say that the important take away from all of this is that it pays to be your own online-detective when it comes to finding the parts you need to keep your trusty Frontier V6 – or even your Frontier V4 in tip top shape! Actually because Quickie-Wheelchairs a.k.a. Southwest Medical appears to be offering OEM parts for a wide range of wheelchairs, you could argue that the even more important takeaway from all of this is that it pays to be your own cyber sleuth – regardless of the make or model of your trusty wheelchair!